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Equality Scheme and Objectives

The Equalities Scheme and Objectives sets out our school’s overall commitment to equality, diversity, human rights and community cohesion, which permeates in all our policies and procedures. It aims to ensure that everybody who comes into contact with our school community is valued and respected. It aims to promote equality of opportunity and eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment or victimisation. It contains an approach to all the groups of people with protected characteristics identified by the Equalities Act 2010. It also sets out our specific school objectives and it outlines how the school will incorporate the scheme within our day-to-day school life.

Our scheme includes our whole school; i.e. pupils, staff, governors, parents and carers and all those within our extended school community, such as neighbouring schools and learning organisations.

Whilst the document also serves to outline our statutory duties under the Equality Act 2010, more importantly it allows us to focus on making our school a fair, respectful and inclusive place, with an aim to improve outcomes that matter to our school community.


The role of an equalities scheme is to visibly set out our priorities for action to improve chances, choices and outcomes in the lives of different groups of people and measure how we are doing to attain them.

The Equality Act 2010 covers discrimination, harassment, and victimisation because of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnerships, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation. These categories of people are listed as protected groups because of their characteristics. There is recognition of the complexity of mulitiple needs and disadvantage. Our Equality Scheme includes our priorities and actions to eliminate discrimination and harassment from these protected characteristics as well as promoting a culture of human rights, respect and dignity.

Epworth Education trust and its schools recognises our responsibilities with regard to the Equality Act 2010 and compliance with the Public Sector Equality Duty having due regard to the need to:

  • Eliminate discrimination and other conduct that is prohibited by the act
  • Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it
  • Foster good relations across all characteristics – between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it

As a Trust we aim:

  • to promote equal treatment within the Trust for all members of the Trust community;
  • to communicate the commitment of the Trust to the promotion of equal opportunities;
  • to create and maintain an open and supportive environment which is free from discrimination;
  • to foster mutual tolerance and positive attitudes so that everyone can feel valued within the Trust; and
  • to actively promote and safeguard the welfare of children, staff and others who come into contact with the Trust.

To further these aims and having considered our school’s context and tracking data, we have identified priority areas and thus our school Equality Objectives which we feel will make a significant difference to our school community and ensure real, tangible outcomes for identified groups.

Our School Equality Objectives:

Equality Plan 2023-2027



How we will measure?

Progress made

To enable pupils to understand, appreciate and respect difference in the world and its people, celebrating the things we share in common across cultural, religious, ethnic and socio-economic communities

Challenge pre-conceived perceptions

Carefully plan for and select visitors to school and visits outside of school so they reflect a diverse community wider than their local context

Evaluation of worship plan and curriculum regularly

Monitor impact through pupil voice

Worship plan and RE lessons explore a range of world religions. Weekly use of Picture News enables children to debate  current world issues.  Trip overview ensures children visit a range of religious places of worship, e.g., Mosque, Synagogue, Chapel. (Reviewed Spring 2024)

RE pupil voice shows children can talk about different religions and an understanding of difference and respect of other cultures, faiths and beliefs. (Reviewed Spring 2024)

Narrow the attainment gap in reading, writing and mathematics between disadvantaged and other children.

Prioritise disadvantaged pupils when selecting groups for boosters and school led tuition.

Ensure first quality teaching and assessments take place so children are identified early

Termly data analysis and pupil progress meetings prioritise the discussion around DAP and their attainment in comparison to others to ensure the support available is effective.

Within each booster or school led tuition group DAP children are prioritised and forma a focused discussion group in progress meetings. (Reviewed Spring 2024)

KS2 SATs 2023 data shows: 

Reading is maintained as a key priority for 2024 with 50% achieving EXP+ compared to 61% nationally.  20% achieved GDS compared to 18% nationally. 

Writing 80% achieved EXP+ compared to 50% nationally. 20% achieved GDS compared to 7% nationally. 

Mathematics 80% achieved 
EXP+ compared to 59% nationally. 10% achieved GDS compared to 13% nationally. 

(Reviewed Spring 2024)

Increase participation of minority or protected groups in wider school life, e.g trips, after school activities, cultural activities

Invite minority and protected groups to additional activities, free of charge.

Encourage and support minority and protected groups to represent their class on whole school committees

Tracking of club registers takes places termly and patterns identified to ensure the right clubs and being provided to the right children at the right time.

Provide additional subsidy from the pupil premium fund to minimise barriers based on financial constraints

Tuition clubs delivered before/after school are inclusive to all pupils. For example, phonics clubs are delivered three times a week, free of charge and provides breakfast to all learners. Tracking of club registers demonstrates that 63 % of pupils in attendance have additional needs, 50% of pupils are recipients of PPG and 12% of pupils have EAL. In addition, SPaG is delivered once a week in the spring term for Y4 pupils. 50% of club members are PPG recipients and 16% of pupils in attendance have additional needs.

The Ethos Committee is run throughout the year and is delivered once per week. Club registers demonstrate that minority and protected groups represent their class and whole school voice. 27% of the committee have additional needs and 36% of committee members are recipients of PPG.

Sports clubs, including KS1 Multisports are inclusive to all pupils. 35% in attendance have additional needs, 18% recipients of PPG and 18% of attendees have EAL.

(Reviewed Spring 2024)