Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)
In our Nursery and Reception classes, we assess children’s development all the time through observation of play and other activities. When we think a child might not be making the progress expected or needs extra support to access the curriculum, we contact a child’s parent or carer to find out if they have any concerns and what can be done together to help the child make better progress. Parents or carers are also encouraged to inform staff of any SEND or concerns that may impact on the child’s learning and development.
Nursery children are referred to the Early Years Quality and Inclusion Team which provides support based on the needs of individual children which continues until the end of the Autumn term in Reception. For children entering our Reception class, a request for TIS 2 funding is completed in the Summer term if the child will require additional support. Transition meetings are held between staff and a range of partners to ensure provision is put into place to support transition.

Children who have additional needs that do not attend our Nursery will have a full induction programme, including staff visiting the child’s Nursery. All children have the opportunity to visit the Reception class in the Summer term. Other relevant documentation via the speech and language therapy departments, Area Health Authority, local psychologists and social services departments may also aid identification prior to entry to school.
Please see the document below for additional information on SEND