15-16 Pupil Premium
Pupil Premium 2015-2016: £89,760
Carry Forward from 2014-15: £36,649
Total: £126,409
Pastoral Manager to Work with Children and Families
Person responsible: MW
Key Objectives
- Undertake attendance and behaviour interventions
- Liaison with external agencies
- Provide a range of support for families
- Attendance is monitored and policy and procedures are followed for PA pupils
- Safeguarding policies are followed correctly within school
- All new staff to have induction on relevant policies and procedures
- Inclusion files to be looked at every 3 weeks
Outcomes of Actions
- Above 95.5% attendance
- 0 PA pupils
- Behaviour in school is exemplary
- MW is aware of issues at home that may contribute to poor attendance or behaviour
- Relevant external agencies are involved
- All staff are aware of relevant policies and procedures
Autumn term
- All staff have had an induction on relevant policies and procedures in relation to safeguarding.
- All staff are following these correctly.
- Staff who did not attend the relevant training have completed it online.
- MW continues to look at inclusion files every 3 weeks. Entries are relevant, and MW speaks to staff where relevant if more information is needed.
- Attendance 96.4% for Autumn 1.
- 17 persistent absence pupils. National changes from September hence increase in numbers. 4 of these children are Reception children and not of compulsory school age.
Autumn 2
- Attendance for school is 96.1%
Spring 1
- Information correct to date wb: 1st February
- There has been a decrease of 2 persistent absent pupils. Currently there are 15 persistent absences, 3 of which are children of non- compulsory school age. The Pastoral Manager is working with these families along with external services improve punctuality.
- Whole school attendance is 95.9%.
- Whole school attendance is 95.5%, although the school target is 95.6%. This % means we have still achieved the national expectation.
- There are 18 persistent absence children. As the threshold increased last year from 85%- 90% attendance, our figures look higher.
- As a comparison from last year, there would be 5 PA pupils.
- Mrs Waterworth continues to work with individual families through informal and formal meetings. Breakfast club is offered to these families and external agencies are involved where appropriate through Early Help referrals.
Family Worker
Person responsible: MW, TBC
Key Objectives
- To provide further support for families
- Appoint a family worker Autumn term
- MW to support family worker
- Family worker to introduce self to families
- To work with identified families
Outcomes of Actions
- Families at Westleigh Methodist are supported fully by the Pastoral and Family Worker
- Early intervention is given to families
- Ongoing
- Appoint family worker Autumn term
Autumn term
- No progress as yet. Discussions still in progress.
Spring term
- Awaiting response from the Methodist Church
Summer term
- The advertisement for the vacancy is due to be released this half term. The appointment is likely to be made at the end of the Summer 1 term.
Person responsible: CW, MW
Key Objectives
- To provide a counselling service for the children where appropriate
- To identify children that require counselling, in liaison with parents
- Assessments to be completed- baseline and exit.
Outcomes of Actions
- Referral system in place
- Children identified and supported
- Improvement in assessments
- Progress made within academic subjects.
- Ongoing.
- Children to see counsellor weekly/fortnightly as appropriate.
- Length of time spent with counsellor will vary for each child.
Autumn term
- 4 children currently being seen by the counsellor.
- 2 children continued from last term, due to close in the next few weeks so impact will be measured when closed.
- 1 new child will begin wb: 9th November. 2 children are on the waiting list.
Autumn 2
- 7 children have been referred in the Autumn term. 5 of these children have been seen, 2 are due to start this term. 2 of the 7 have now closed.
- Parents have noticed an impact after this work in the children’s overall well-being.
Spring 1
- 8 children have been seen by the Counsellor this year. Impact of these sessions have been identified by teachers and parents, who comment on how much happier their children are, and how they now have better coping strategies for what they had been referred in for.
- 11 children have seen the counsellor throughout this year. 7 children are currently accessing this service. 4 children have been made enough progress to stop seeing her. Parents continue to comment how much positive impact this service has had on their children, particularly within their behaviour at home and self esteem.
Person responsible: MW
Key Objectives
- Identified children to develop socially, emotionally and mentally through attendance of the Sunflower room (Nurture room)
- Children causing concern to be identified by class teacher
- Nurture room staff to devise timetable
- Children to attend Nurture- baseline assessments to be completed.
Outcomes of Actions
- Scores in assessments will improve
- Children’s social , emotional and mental development will have improved
- Children will be more focussed for learning
- Nurture room to run 5 times a week.
- Children have now been identified and are attending relevant days in Nurture (Sunflower Room).
- Baseline Boxhall Profiles have been completed, and targets identified. These will be reviewed in December and progress against the targets will be identified.
- Autumn 2- Boxhall Profiles have been reviewed and new targets have been identified. Impact is being seen for most children relating to their social and emotional development. Lego therapy is to be introduced this half term.
Spring 1
- Lego therapy is now being implemented in the Nurture room. Initial assessments have been completed and the children are currently progressing through the programme. Impact to be measured in Spring 2.
- All children continue to make progress on their targets set from the Boxhall profile. The next step is for these skills to be transferred into the classroom. Nurture staff and class teachers are liaising more to ensure this consistency continues.
Summer 1
- Boxhall data shows an improvement in children’s personal, social and emotional development since baseline scores were completed in the Autumn term. Teachers now have an involvement in Boxhall profiles.
- Lego therapy continues to be implemented.
- Parents comment on the confidence of the children since attending the sessions.
Breakfast Club
Person responsible: CW, MW
Key Objectives
- Identified children to attend breakfast club to improve attendance and attainment within school.
- Children to be identified and invited to breakfast club
- Attendance of these pupils to be monitored
Outcomes of Actions
- Children with poor attendance PA children attend breakfast club
- Attendance % within school increases
- Children have a healthy breakfast and a good start to their day.
- Of the children that access Breakfast Club, 67% have had improved attendance and punctuality. Of the 33% that have not had improved attendance this half term, Mrs Waterworth has arranged a meeting with parents to discuss this further.
Autumn 2
- 9 pupils have been offered free breakfast club this term. 7 children who access this regularly have improved punctuality.
Spring 1
- 7 children now regularly attend breakfast club to improve punctuality. Of these children:
- One child who was late regularly in September has now got 100% for punctuality.
- Two children from the same family were late on 40 occasions in the Autumn term. In the Spring term this has reduced to 2 lates. These children have not been late for 5 weeks.
- No new families are accessing breakfast club this half term, as all pupils were identified and began accessing breakfast club at the beginning of the year.
- For families that refused to access breakfast club and where lates and persistent absence is still an issue, these families are open to different services.
Additional Teaching Assistant in the Reception Class
Person responsible: CW, GH
Key Objectives
- Children to make good progress (at least 6 steps) within the Prime Areas, Literacy and Mathematics.
- Children at risk of delay or delayed to receive extra direct teaching 1-1 or in small groups
- The learning environment, both indoors and outdoors to be stimulating, purposeful and provision linked to provision
- To ensure that children get continuous access to the outdoor area through a staff timetable
Outcomes of Actions
- Children in the Reception class make good progress (at least 6 steps progress within PSED, C&L, PD, Literacy and Mathematics)
- The children will have experiences throughout the year that will develop and support their learning and development .
- Early identification and intervention for children delayed within an area.
- The gap between PP/non PP children will close
- Learning environment to be purposeful
- Ongoing
- Positive relationships have been made between the staff and children in the Reception class. impact on Personal, Social and Emotional Development of all children.
- Routines have been established and behaviour is good. Children making progress within all areas of learning, as a result of the continuous provision of the indoor and outdoor provision.
- Progress from Baseline- Autumn 1 (approx. 5 weeks)
- Personal, Social and Emotional Development - 40% children made at least 1 step progress
- Communication & Language - 47% children made at least 1 step progress
- Physical Development - 53% children made at least 1 step progress
- Literacy - 53% children made at least 1 step progress
- Mathematics - 27% children made at least 1 step progress
Autumn 2
- Children are expected to make at least 5 steps progress by the end of the year. Progress to date:
- Personal, Social and Emotional Development- 80% of children have made at least 2 steps progress, with 63% making at least 3 steps, 27% have made at least 4 steps and 13% made at least 5 steps progress.
- Communication and Language - 97% have made at 2 least 2 steps progress, 73% have made at least 3 steps, 20% have made 4 steps and 7% have made at least at least 5 steps.
- Physical Development - 97% have made at least 2 steps progress, 70% have made at least 3 steps, 27% have made at least 4 steps and 10% have made at least 5 steps progress.
- Literacy - 100% of children have made at least 2 steps progress, 90% have made at least 3 steps, 57% have made 4 steps, 30% have made 5 steps, 13% have made 6 steps and 3% have made 7 steps progress.
- Mathematics - 80% of children have made 2 steps progress, 63% have made 3 steps, 43% have made 4 steps, 17% have made 5 steps and 3% have made 6 steps progress.
Spring 1
- Age related expectations is according to where they are working compared to their age in months in the EYFS.
- Personal, Social and Emotional Development:
- 6% of pupils are working at 30-50S (secure)
- 26% of pupils are working at 40-60B (beginning)
- 43% are working at 40-60W (within)
- 13% are working at 40-60S
- 10% are emerging ELG (early learning goal)
Communication & Language
- 3% of pupils are working at 30-50S
- 7% are working at 40-60B
- 37% are working at 40-60W
- 40% are working at 40-60S
- 13% are emerging ELG
Physical Development
- 7% are working at 40-60B
- 60% are working at 40-60W
- 33% are working at 40-60S
- 7% of pupils are working at 30-50S
- 13% are working at 40-60B
- 50% are working at 40-60W
- 23% are working at 40-60S
- 7% are emerging ELG
- 10% of pupils are working at 30-50S
- 20% are working at 40-60B
- 47% are working at 40-60W
- 23% are working at 40-60S
Summer 1
- TA left school in Spring 2.
- 73% of children have met a Good Level of Development- Children achieving at least Early Learning Goal within:
- Personal, Social and Emotional Development,
- Communication and Language
- Physical Development
- Literacy
- Mathematics
Read, Write inc Phonics
Person responsible: CW, JW, GH
Key Objectives
- Children’s reading and writing to be in line with National Expectations
- Teaching assistant to work 1-1 with identified pupils
- Training for staff in delivering the intervention
- Assess the impact of this intervention half termly
- Review as necessary
Outcomes of Actions
- Standards within reading and writing and SPAG are in line with National Expectations
- Children’s writing in books will show progress over time
- The gap between PP children and non PP will close
- Children to be identified Autumn term
- Staff to be identified Autumn term
- All relevant staff trained fully in RWI.
- Development day held in October. Clear targets were identified to be actioned by November 2015.
- Most children made progress during assessment week wb 12th Oct. where children have no, these children are being monitored. Data analysis has been completed.
- RWI continues to be delivered 4x week. Reading leader has observed all staff.
- Children on the RWI program have been identified and have started to receive daily 1-1 intervention. These are children in Y1,2 and 3 who are still working within A, B and C bands within the program.
- Staff have been trained up to support children 1-1 by Ann Marie Rutter, RWI support leader.
Autumn 2
- All children have made progress on the Read Write Inc program, and most children have moved up a group. For the children in year 2, 3,4,5 and 6, they continue to receive 1-1 tuition 4 times a week. Children in Year 1 who have not made progress also receive 1-1 support.
- 2 development days have taken place. Actions have been identified and completed.
- Reading leader is now available during RWI sessions to coach and mentor staff to deliver it effectively.
- Most Year 2 children are now accessing the year 2 curriculum in their classroom. All children made progress in Autumn 2 and most children moved up a group.
Spring 1
- Read Write Inc Phonics
- Reading leader continues to lear RWI, implementing RWI workshops and regular monitoring. Staff are more confident at delivering RWI and are more effective at delivering it.
- 87% Year 1 children on track for phonics screening test
- 90% of children are blending to read in Reception
- 90% Reception are on track or exceeding.
- 63% Year 1 are on track or exceeding.
- There has been a significant drop in numbers of children requiring the Read Write Inc programme eg:
- Decrease of 71% in Year 2, 55% in Year 3, 46% in Year 4.
Summer 1
- 90% Reception children on track
- 86% Year 1 children on track to pass phonic screening check, and are on track in RWI
- % of children completed the programme Year 2-6:
- 71% in Year 2
- 76% in Year 3
- 91% in Year 4
- 95% in Year 5
- 95% in Year 6
- Where children have not yet completed, the target end date for the program is:
- 5% in Year 5 - October half term
- 9% in Year 4 - end of Summer 2
- 24% in Year 3 - end of December half term
- 5% in Year 2 - end of October half term, 24%- end of December half term, 5% will be on the program throughout next year due to the complexity of her needs.
- Therefore, it is expected that 95% of KS2 pupils will end the program at the end of the Autumn term and will be accessing RWI Language and Literacy
After School 1-1 Support
Person responsible: CW, GH, JW
Key Objectives
- Children’s reading and writing to be in line with National Expectations
- Teaching assistant to work 1-1 with identified pupils
- Training for staff in delivering the intervention
- Assess the impact of this intervention half termly
- Review as necessary
Outcomes of Actions
- Standards within reading and writing and SPAG are in line with National Expectations
- Children’s writing in books will show progress over time
- The gap between PP children and non PP will close
- Children to be identified Autumn term
- Staff to be identified Autumn term
- Children to be identified in Autumn 2 to receive after school 1-1 support
Autumn term 2
- Children to be identified for after school support after Autumn 2 moderation has taken place.
Spring 1
- Children from year 1, 2 and 6 have been identified and work with class teachers an evening a week after school.
- Year 1- focus on phonics
- Year 2- focus on SATS
- Year 6- focus on SATS.
Summer 1
- Children identified in Year 1, 2 and 6. Most children identified attended the sessions. Impact will be seen at phonic screening and SATS results. See data sheet attached for achievement in reading and writing.
Parent Workshops
Person responsible: CW, GH
Key Objectives
- Key strategies taught in school are delivered to parents.
- To identify the key priorities to deliver to parents
- Staff to prepare and deliver the workshops to parents
Outcomes of Actions
- Parents understand how children are taught within school
- Parents know how they can support their child at home
- Positive relationships between home and school are developed
- Workshops to be delivered termly
- Read Write Inc parental workshops delivered October 2015, 2pm and 5pm. Approx. 30 parents attended the workshops with very positive comments left in feedback. Parents now aware of the structure and aims of the program, and how to help their child at home.
- Planning of parent workshops taken place. Singapore Maths to be planned for summer term
- As Singapore Maths just being introduced, parent workshop will be implemented in Autumn term.
- New Reception workshop to be delivered during INSPIRE session in Summer 2
Read, Write Inc Spelling
Person responsible: CW, GH, JW
Key Objectives
- Read Write Inc Spelling to be delivered effectively throughout KS2, and have impact on children’s reading and writing.
- All staff to receive relevant training
- Group children accurately
- Read Write Inc Spelling to be delivered 4x weekly
- Lead to support staff and complete regular monitoring activities
Outcomes of Actions
- Standards within reading and writing and SPAG are in line with National Expectations
- Children’s writing in books will show progress over time
- The gap between PP children and non PP will close
- Training and development days throughout year.
- Training in house ongoing.
Read Write Inc Spelling
- Baseline assessments completed in December. All pupils in Year 2-6 were working below expected level for their year group in spelling.
- Spring assessments have been completed and 36% of children are working at year group expectations.
- 42% at Easter
- 49% of children are now working at age related expectations.
- All children streamed across KS2. All staff trained in RWI spelling.
- Training for new English Lead and NQT booked for Summer 2. English Lead will have full handover from current lead before the end of the term to ensure a smooth transition.
Person responsible: CW, all staff
Key Objectives
- To subside educational visits/ visitors
- To provide PP pupils with experiences to enhance their learning and give them new experiences
- Subside costings for PP pupils depending on whole costing of trip
- Ensure that all PP pupils attend the visits
- No PP pupil misses a visit due to implication on cost
Outcomes of Actions
- All PP pupils attend visits
- Increased enthusiasm to learning as a result of the visit
- Visits/visitors to be arranged for each class termly.
- Visits and visitors have been identified for the Autumn term to enhance the curriculum.
Autumn 2
- All classes had a visit/ visitor last half term and visits are now planned for the Spring term for every class.
- Reception visited Eureka to support their understanding of the world
- Year 1 had a Chinese dancer in to support their topic on Chinese New Year
- Year 2 had a visitor teaching them circus skills linked to their topic.
- Year 3 have visited Manchester Airport
- Year 4 had a visitor in to talk to the children about inventors and inventions.
- Year 5 went to Collomendy
- Year 6 visited Manchester museum
- These experiences provided new learning experiences and enabled teachers to provide a hook for learning.
- Reception visited Formby Beach to support their topic on Summer, as some children had never visited a beach.
- Year 1 are going to the park to link to their topic of “From A to B”.
- Year 2 visited Haigh Hall to look for minibeasts- linked to their topic.
- Year 3 went to the high school to support their topic on circuits
- Year 4 have been to the Anderton Centre for an adventure day to promote team building.
- Year 5 have had a visit from the police about road safety.
- Year 6 went to London for an overnight stay
Library Topic Resources
Person responsible: CW, all staff
Key Objectives
- To encourage a love of reading
- To enhance teaching and learning through topics
- Relevant books and resources to be provided, relevant to the topic being taught in class
Outcomes of Actions
- Children develop love of reading
- Children able to explain knowledge and understanding of the topic
- Resources to be ordered throughout the year.
- Staff have started to buy books to support their topic in class. These books have been used in role play and research.
- Year 2 are encouraging their love of reading by creating a bedtime box. The children take out a book and take it home to read overnight.
Autumn 2
- Library lead is developing topic boxes for each subject, with relevant books an resources to support the children in their class topics.
Spring 1
- The library environment is currently being developed. Children will develop a love of reading through the purchase of new books, linked to the children’s interests. Speaking and listening resources have been purchased, including puppets. Children will learn how to use the Dewey system.
- The library has now moved to a new space. All books have been sorted and new books will be ordered this term based on the needs and interest of the children. The environment is currently being developed, poems and nursery thyme stencils are planned to for over the archway in the room to create interest.
Easter and Summer School
Person responsible: CW, GH
Key Objectives
- Children’s reading, writing and maths attainment is in line with National Expectations
- Staff to work 1-1 and with small groups of identified children in maths, reading and writing
- Classes identified based on data
Outcomes of Actions
- Standards within reading, writing, SPAG and maths are in line with National Expectations
- The gap between PP children and non PP will close
- Easter school to be discussed Autumn term 2
Autumn 2
- Easter school to be discussed after moderation has taken place, when children will be identified.
Spring 1
- Children accessing Easter school will be identified in Spring 2.
- SATS booster classes were implemented in place for Easter and Summer school. Impact can be seen on cohort and groups data analysis.
- See After school tuition.
Wider Opps - Music Service
Person responsible: CW
Key Objectives
- Children in year 4 to learn an instrument
- Children to work with the music service weekly
Outcomes of Actions
- Children will be able to play the drums to a high standard.
- Y4 have now started weekly music lessons. The children have been learning the skills of percussion and have used xylophones and glockenspiels.
- The children have been learning to read and play music. Vocabulary has been taught eg: double stop, C Major, scale etc.
- Mr Parr has commented how pleased he is with the children’s effort and progress to date.
- The children are working towards an end of term performance in Autumn term 2.
Autumn term 2
- The children put on a performance for the school and the children at the end of the term. Mr Parr has commented that the children are working at a higher level than usual for this time of the year, and this has been reflected in the teaching of the percussion.
Spring 1
- The children are working towards an end of term concert.
- Talented children have been identified to continue with this service next year. Children continue to make good progress.
Singapore Maths
Person responsible: CW, XM
Key Objectives
- Staff to be trained and effectively deliver Singapore maths
- Key staff to be trained
- Year 1, 3 and to implement Singapore maths.
Outcomes of Actions
- Increase in % of children working at age related expectations in maths.
- XM and CW have accessed the training. Key staff have also accessed the training. All resources have been ordered.
- Key classes now implementing Singapore Maths. XM supporting individual staff to improve teaching and learning.
- Singapore maths has raised the profile of problem solving and reasoning in school. All children participate in the “Captain Conjecture” problem weekly. Certificates for recognition given weekly promotes enthusiasm.
- Maths data attached.
Total Allocated Spend:
Balance/ Extras: £5,387
Total: £126,409
Pupil Premium Data Analysis
Year 1 |
Term |
No. |
< Beg |
Beg |
Beg + |
Within |
Within+ |
Secure |
Secure+ |
% at least ARE |
PP |
11 |
9% |
0% |
0% |
9% |
64% |
18% |
0% |
91% |
Non PP |
19 |
5% |
5% |
15% |
11% |
32% |
16% |
16% |
75% |
The PP pupils are performing higher than non PP pupils in this class. |
Year 2 |
Term |
No. |
< Beg |
Beg |
Beg + |
Within |
Within+ |
Secure |
Secure+ |
% at least ARE |
PP |
8 |
38% |
0% |
0% |
12% |
12% |
38% |
0% |
62% |
Non PP |
13 |
8% |
0% |
0% |
8% |
22% |
31% |
31% |
92% |
In Year 2, 50% of PP pupils have a high level need SEN. External agencies are involved with these children. |
Year 3 |
Term |
No. |
< Beg |
Beg |
Beg + |
Within |
Within+ |
Secure |
Secure+ |
% at least ARE |
PP |
9 |
34% |
0% |
0% |
22% |
0% |
33% |
11% |
66% |
Non PP |
13 |
22% |
8% |
0% |
8% |
0% |
31% |
31% |
70% |
There is no significant difference between PP and non PP pupils within this class. |
Year 4 |
Term |
No. |
< Beg |
Beg |
Beg + |
Within |
Within+ |
Secure |
Secure+ |
% at least ARE |
PP |
11 |
18% |
0% |
9% |
28% |
9% |
36% |
0% |
73% |
Non PP |
10 |
0% |
0% |
0% |
10% |
30% |
60% |
0% |
100% |
Year 5 |
Term |
No. |
< Beg |
Beg |
Beg + |
Within |
Within+ |
Secure |
Secure+ |
% at least ARE |
PP |
12 |
17% |
0% |
0% |
8% |
8% |
50% |
17% |
83% |
Non PP |
10 |
20% |
0% |
0% |
0% |
10% |
50% |
20% |
80% |
Year 6 |
Term |
No. |
< Beg |
Beg |
Beg + |
Within |
Within+ |
Secure |
Secure+ |
% at least ARE |
PP |
9 |
11% |
0% |
0% |
0% |
0% |
56% |
33% |
89% |
Non PP |
13 |
8% |
0% |
0% |
8% |
23% |
23% |
38% |
92% |
Next steps:
- Implement external agency advice for PP pupils in Year 2
Year 1 |
Term |
No. |
< Beg |
Beg |
Beg + |
Within |
Within+ |
Secure |
Secure+ |
% at least ARE |
PP |
11 |
9% |
0% |
9% |
37% |
36% |
9% |
0% |
82% |
Non PP |
19 |
5% |
5% |
21% |
21% |
16% |
32% |
0% |
69% |
A higher % of pupils have achieved age related expectations (ARE). |
Year 2 |
Term |
No. |
< Beg |
Beg |
Beg + |
Within |
Within+ |
Secure |
Secure+ |
% at least ARE |
PP |
8 |
50% |
13% |
0% |
0% |
37% |
0% |
0% |
37% |
Non PP |
13 |
8% |
0% |
0% |
15% |
31% |
15% |
31% |
92% |
In Year 2, 50% of PP pupils have a high level need SEN. External agencies are involved with these children. |
Year 3 |
Term |
No. |
< Beg |
Beg |
Beg + |
Within |
Within+ |
Secure |
Secure+ |
% at least ARE |
PP |
9 |
44% |
0% |
11% |
0% |
23% |
11% |
11% |
45% |
Non PP |
13 |
38% |
0% |
0% |
0% |
23% |
31% |
8% |
62% |
Year 4 |
Term |
No. |
< Beg |
Beg |
Beg + |
Within |
Within+ |
Secure |
Secure+ |
% at least ARE |
PP |
11 |
27% |
0% |
18% |
18% |
10% |
27% |
0% |
55% |
Non PP |
10 |
0% |
0% |
10% |
30% |
20% |
30% |
10% |
90% |
Year 5 |
Term |
No. |
< Beg |
Beg |
Beg + |
Within |
Within+ |
Secure |
Secure+ |
% at least ARE |
PP |
12 |
25% |
0% |
0% |
0% |
8% |
50% |
17% |
75% |
Non PP |
10 |
20% |
0% |
0% |
0% |
30% |
20% |
30% |
80% |
There is no significant difference between the PP and non PP pupils in this class. |
Year 6 |
Term |
No. |
< Beg |
Beg |
Beg + |
Within |
Within+ |
Secure |
Secure+ |
% at least ARE |
All |
22 |
9% |
0% |
0% |
5% |
14% |
45% |
27% |
91% |
PP |
9 |
11% |
0% |
0% |
0% |
11% |
56% |
22% |
89% |
Non PP |
13 |
8% |
0% |
0% |
8% |
15% |
38% |
31% |
92% |
Next steps:
- RWI phonics to support PP children in Year 3
- Follow external agency advice for children in Year 2
- SENCo to meet with the teacher regarding a pupil in Year 4 not on SEN list working below age related expectation
Year 1 |
Term |
No. |
< Beg |
Beg |
Beg + |
Within |
Within+ |
Secure |
Secure+ |
% at least ARE |
PP |
11 |
0% |
18% |
0% |
18% |
55% |
9% |
0% |
82% |
Non PP |
19 |
0% |
11% |
5% |
31% |
21% |
21% |
11% |
84% |
There are no significant differences in PP and non PP pupils. |
Year 2 |
Term |
No. |
< Beg |
Beg |
Beg + |
Within |
Within+ |
Secure |
Secure+ |
% at least ARE |
PP |
8 |
25% |
0% |
24% |
13% |
38% |
0% |
0% |
51% |
Non PP |
13 |
8% |
0% |
0% |
23% |
23% |
15% |
31% |
92% |
In Year 2, 50% of PP pupils have a high level need SEN. External agencies are involved with these children |
Year 3 |
Term |
No. |
< Beg |
Beg |
Beg + |
Within |
Within+ |
Secure |
Secure+ |
% at least ARE |
PP |
9 |
44% |
0% |
0% |
0% |
12% |
44% |
0% |
56% |
Non PP |
13 |
31% |
8% |
0% |
0% |
22% |
31% |
8% |
61% |
There are no significant differences in PP and non PP pupils in this class. |
Year 4 |
Term |
No. |
< Beg |
Beg |
Beg + |
Within |
Within+ |
Secure |
Secure+ |
% at least ARE |
PP |
11 |
27% |
0% |
27% |
19% |
27% |
0% |
0% |
46% |
Non PP |
10 |
0% |
0% |
0% |
50% |
30% |
20% |
0% |
100% |
Year 5 |
Term |
No. |
< Beg |
Beg |
Beg + |
Within |
Within+ |
Secure |
Secure+ |
% at least ARE |
PP |
12 |
33% |
0% |
0% |
0% |
17% |
50% |
0% |
67% |
Non PP |
10 |
20% |
0% |
0% |
0% |
20% |
60% |
0% |
80% |
Year 6 |
Term |
No. |
< Beg |
Beg |
Beg + |
Within |
Within+ |
Secure |
Secure+ |
% at least ARE |
PP |
9 |
11% |
0% |
0% |
12% |
11% |
33% |
33% |
89% |
Non PP |
13 |
8% |
0% |
0% |
0% |
30% |
54% |
8% |
92% |
Next steps:
- Maths lead to work with Year 4 teacher to support PP children working below age related expectations