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Online Learning Subscriptions

Subscription sites offering free access:

Below are some of the educational websites who are kindly offering free access during any School Closures.  This is an option for those children and parents who wish to keep educating at home.  These websites are not only educational but lots of fun and a good way to keep busy.  These sites normally charge a lot of money and we appreciate their generosity allowing learning to continue during this time.

Twinkl (all areas, all ages) -

Twinkl is offering every teacher in England access to all Twinkl resources with a One Month Ultimate Membership, totally free of charge. We’re also extending this to every parent and carer in your school so your pupils can still have access to high-quality learning during any periods of disruption.

Setting this up is really easy to do - go to and enter the code UKTWINKLHELPS

White Rose (Specific maths, all areas, all ages)

White Rose maths is preparing packages for parents to use at home including video tutorials and access to premium content.

The first lot of resources will be released week beginning 16th March 2020

Emile Education (all areas, all ages)

This is a multi-award winning app and online program that covers the UK national primary curriculum for numeracy and SPaG with some phonics thrown in. The content is suitable for 4-12 year olds.

It is has a smart system that determines the player’s ability (via a Rating Game) and then allows them to play games and compete at their own level. 

Teachers can track progress and assign specific games or questions. 

Emile makes use of the latest games-based learning approaches and engages students so that they answer thousands of questions. 

Emile works seamlessly on mobiles, tablets, laptops and computers. 

To access Emile go to our web site and download the app for your windows 7, 8, 10, android or iOS device. (Emile is also available through the App stores as “Learning with Emile”.)

Once you run Emile, to log in you have to select your school name from a dropdown box.

Your Username is “pupil_1” and the password is “pupil”.

Other useful sites:

TTS Packs (all ages, all areas)

TTS are offering downloadbale packs for chidlren to work on online or print off if needed (see documents opposite)

Teach Starter (All areas, all ages all learning packs)

Classroom Secrets (All areas and learning packs)

Maths Shed (Maths, all ages)

Literacy Shed (English, all ages)

Active History (History, all ages)

Beeline Reader (Reading, all ages)

Big History Project (History, all ages)

Book Creator (Creative writing, all ages)

Classroom Secrets (all areas, all ages)

Conjuguemos (MFL, Juniors)

Duolingo (MFL, all ages)

Dyslexia Academy (Dyslexia support, all ages)

Everyday Earth (Geography, all ages)

Geopolaris (Geography, all ages)

Little Twisters (Yoga, all ages)

Mystery Science (Science, all ages)

Phet (Science, all ages)

Silly School Trips (Writing competition, 5-7 years)

Oxford Owls (all areas, all ages)

Online Safety:

Please be extra vigilant when children are using devices and online content at home.